What is Solar PV?

Renewable Energy Systems in Kent

As the effects of climate change including storms, heat waves, and rising sea levels continue to worsen, the need for renewable energy sources increases. Ecolution Group offers various renewable energy systems in Kent designed to significantly reduce carbon emissions and energy bills.

Unlike carbon-intensive energy sources, renewable energy does not emit harmful greenhouse gases and pollutants that can lead to disease. By replacing fossil fuel with green power, you can ensure a sustainable environment for future generations.

Switching to green energy systems can also provide you with extra income through the UK's Renewable Heat Incentive. This scheme rewards financial support to households, communities and businesses using renewable heating systems in England, Scotland and Wales.

Solar PV in Kent

Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems consist of photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity. PV cells feature one or two layers of a semiconducting material, usually silicone, and are integrated into a solar module which are often installed upon a roof.

Light that shines onto your PV system is converted into DC electricity which is then fed back to an inverter. Here, DC electricity is transformed into AC electricity for household consumption.

Apart from generating free power and helping combat fuel poverty, Solar PV systems also offer potentially high returns on investment. Through subsidy and power purchase agreements, homeowners can gain annual returns ranging anywhere between 10% to more than 30%.

Solar panels feature zero moving parts, require minimal maintenance, and are built to last many years.

Ground Source Heat Pump in Kent

Ground source heat pumps offer an all-in-one heating and hot water supply solution for commercial and residential properties. They extract heat energy from the ground through heat collecting pipes that are buried outdoors. The collected energy is then transferred into buildings for space heating and domestic hot water.

Ground source heat pumps are powered by electricity, but the harvested heat is naturally renewed by the sun. This makes it an environmentally friendlier alternative to multiple gas boilers.

With proper care and maintenance, ground source heat pumps can last up to 20 years. They produce heat at much lower temperatures than traditional boilers and can be utilised anytime of the year.



Exhaust Air Source Heat Pump in Kent

An Exhaust air source heat pump absorbs heat from the waste air exiting a building and converts it into useful energy. The energy is used to supply hot water and space heating for houses, flats, and commercial buildings.

An exhaust air source heat pump features a hot water cylinder, heating coil, heat pump, and extractor fan. It harvests warm air air via ventilation ducts from moisture-filled spaces such as bathrooms, kitchens and utility areas.

Compared to conventional heating systems, an exhaust air source heat pump offers up to 50% energy reductions. It also helps enhance indoor air quality and prevents condensation.

Save money on energy costs and reduce carbon footprint by installing a renewable energy system today.