New Climate Change Targets

new climate change targets

Recently, the UK government adopted a new enhanced 2035 target for emissions reductions, with COP26 in Glasgow this year, we should expect more enhanced targets.

The Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015, 6 years later and nowhere near enough has been achieved. High-Level targets are great, but we need to change all the other laws/rules that are embedded in our societies and cultures to allow these targets to be met.

Cause for optimism, but at the grass-root level, there are still so many barriers;- planning, building regs, tax regime, labour and manufacturing resource, but the biggest barriers are education and money or should I say ROI. No planet, No returns!

When we built our training centre at Ecolution 4 years ago, we had no choice but to train people because of the skill shortage, this has only got worse.

Climate emergency is a great phrase, but it does not feel like we have even dialled 999 yet, let alone turned on the sirens and blue lights.

This is my personal rant, what's yours?

Kevin K